Saturday 8 May 2010

Baluran National park is representative of a specific forest ecosystem dry in Java, consists of savanna vegetation types, mangroves, forests season, coastal forests, mountain forests below, swamp forest and evergreen forests throughout the year. About 40 percent of savanna vegetation types dominate the area Baluran National Park.


plants in this national park as many as 444 species, 3 of them are native plants unique and interesting and able to adapt in a very dry condition (still looks green), although other plants wither, namely: Widoro bukol ( rotundifolia), mimba (Azadirachta indica) and pilang (Acacileucophloea).

Other plants such as acid (Tamarindus indica), prasina, candle nut, gebang (Corypha utan), api-api , Kendal, manting, and billowing.


There are 26 types of mammals such as the banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), ajag (Cuon alpinus, javanicus), barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), leopard (Panthera pardus melas), mouse deer ( Tragulus javanicus pelandoc), and cat (Prionailurus viverrinus).

Animal bull was the mascot / characteristic of Baluran National Park.

In addition, there are about 155 species of birds including rare such as the kite fire (Hirundo rustica), tuwuk / tuwur asia (Eudynamys scolopacea), peacocks (Pavo muticus), red jungle chicken (Gallus gallus), kangkareng (Anthracoceros convecus ), hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros), and stork barrels (Leptoptilos javanicus).

Some locations / attractions to be visited:

Bars. Seeing heritage / sites of the Japanese cave, the tomb of the son of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, peacocks dance attraction in the breeding season between the months of October / November and camping. Facilities: center and campground information.

Bekol and Semiang. Observations of forest animals such as chickens, peacocks, deer, deer, buffalo, wild buffalo, birds. Existing facilities: homestead researchers, guest house, the tower of view.

Bama, Balanan, Bilik. Marine tourism, fishing, diving / snorkeling, and fights between a male deer in July / August; and a flock of gray monkeys that crab fishing / small crab with its tail at low tide.

Manting, Air Bokor. Water sources that never dry throughout the year,

Popongan, Sejile, Sirontoh, Kalitopo. Boating on a calm sea, seeing different types of ornamental fish, observing migratory birds.

Bulk tears. Activities of rock climbing as high as 10-30 meters, with a slope of up to 85%.

Season best visit: March to August each year.

Baluran National Park in east Java province, Indonesia Banyuwangi north or east of Situbondo, the gate to enter Baluran National Park at 7 ° 55′17 .76 “S and 114 ° 23′15 .27″ E.



As stunningly beautiful above water as it is below, Raja Ampat (which literally translates as “The Four Kings”) has a startling diversity of habitats to explore. Each of these – from the stark wave-pounded slopes that drop away beneath the karst cliffs of Wayag and Uranie to the deep, nutrient-rich bays of Mayalibit, Kabui and Aljui to the “blue watermangrove” channels of Kofiau and Gam to the plankton-rich upwelling areas of Misool and the Dampier Strait – are home to unique assemblages of species that, when taken together, add to produce the most impressive species lists ever compiled for a coral reef system of this size.

Marine tourism, as a sustainable alternative to overfishing, mining, and logging, has the potential to play a key role in the conservation of Raja Ampat’s spectacular underwater realm, while also creating real benefits for the local communities. This website was designed as part of a larger effort to support the growth of sustainable marine tourism in Raja Ampat and the conservation of these magical islands.

Please explore this site to find information on breathtaking diving opportunities, travel logistics, Raja Ampat’s new tourism entrance fee (which directly supports conservation and community development), and the tremendous conservation effort taking place in Raja Ampat.

biodiversity features in raja ampat :

1511 species of reef fish in the Bird’s Head Seascape
1320 species of reef fish in Raja Ampat
27 species of endemic reef fish found only in the Birds Head Seascape
600 species of hard coral recorded in the Bird’s Head Seascape
75% of all known coral species in the world
10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean
species of Mantis Shrimp in the Birds Head Seascape
13 species of Marine Mammals in the Bird’s Head Seascape
5 species of endangered sea turtles in the Bird’s Head Seascape



Prambanan temple is extraordinarily beautiful building constructed in the tenth century during the reigns of two kings namely Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung. Soaring up to 47 meters (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire of the founder to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, among an area that now functions as beautiful park.

There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple. As the story tells, there was a man named Bandung Bondowoso who loved Roro Jonggrang. To refuse his love, Jonggrang asked Bondowoso to make her a temple with 1,000 statues only in one-night time. The request was nearly fulfilled when Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and to set a fire in order to look like morning had broken. Feeling to be cheated, Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed Jonggrang to be the thousandth statue.

Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva temples. Those three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All of them face to the east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Angsa for Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. Besides, there are 2 flank temples, 4 kelir temples and 4 corner temples. In the second area, there are 224 temples.

Entering Shiva temple, the highest temple and is located in the middle, you will find four rooms. One main room contains Shiva statue, while the other three rooms contain the statues of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (Shiva's son). Durga statue is said to be the statue of Roro Jonggrang in the above legend.

In Vishnu temple, to the north of Shiva temple, you will find only one room with Vishnu statue in it. In Brahma temple, to the south of Shiva temple, you find only room as well with Brahma statue in it.

Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple that is located close to Vishnu temple. This temple keeps a story of half-bird human being named Garuda. Garuda is a mystical bird in Hindu mythology. The figure is of golden body, white face, red wings, with the beak and wings similar to eagle's. It is assumed that the figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu (means 'rises' or 'shines') that is associated with the god of the Sun or Re in Old Egypt mythology or Phoenix in Old Greek mythology. Garuda succeeded in saving his mother from the curse of Aruna (Garuda's handicapped brother) by stealing Tirta Amerta (the sacred water of the gods).

Its ability to save her mother made many people admire it to the present time and it is used for various purposes. Indonesia uses the bird as the symbol of the country. Other country using the same symbol is Thailand, with the same reason but different form adaptation and appearance. In Thailand, Garuda is known as Krut or Pha Krut.

Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana. Experts say that the relief is similar to the story of Ramayana that is told orally from generation to generation. Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that - in Hindu - the tree is considered tree of life, eternity and environment harmony. In Prambanan, relief of Kalpataru tree is described as flanking a lion. The presence of this tree makes experts consider that Javanese society in the ninth century had wisdom to manage its environment.

Just like Garuda, Kalpataru tree is also used for various purposes. In Indonesia, Kalpataru is used as the logo of Indonesian Environment Institution. Some intellectuals in Bali even develop "Tri Hita Karana" concept for environment conservation by seeing Kalpataru relief in this temple. This tree of life is also seen in the gunungan (the puppet used as an opening of traditional puppet show or wayang kulit). This proves that relief panels in Prambanan have been widely known throughout the world.

If you see the relief in detail, you will see many birds on them; they are real birds as we can see on the earth right now. Relief panels of such birds are so natural that biologists can identify their genus. One of them is the relief of the Yellow-Crest Parrot (Cacatua sulphurea) that cites unanswered question. The reason is that the bird only exists in Masakambing Island, an island in the middle of Java Sea. Then, did the bird exist in Yogyakarta? No body has succeeded in revealing the mystery.

You can discover many more things in Prambanan. You can see relief of Wiracarita Ramayana based on oral tradition. If you feel tired of enjoying the relief, you can take a rest in the beautiful garden in the complex. Since 18 September 2006, you can enter zone 1 area of Prambanan temple. The damage caused by the earthquake on 27 May 2006 is being reconstructed. Please come and enjoy Prambanan temple.



Friday 7 May 2010

This National Park is one of the most beautiful places of interest in East Java. The beauties of mountain covered, give a special and characteristic green plants, arousing great interest. Tenggerese traditional farming also makes this famous place being more interesting and attractive. In addition, cool and breezy wind always blows freshly giving ever visitor special deep impression a unforgettable memories.

The accessibility has no problem and very reachable (via Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo or Lumajang)Surely, different access give different characteristics scenery landscape. The elevation reaches about 2.392 meter sea level above and the temperature varies from 3 up to 20 degrees centigrade.Facilities: Star Hotels, home-stays, restaurants, and many others that visitors needed can be foundThe people who live in this area are supposed to be descended from Majapahit Kingdom about six hundred years ago. The belonged to Tenggerese Hinduism with old traditional. That tradition still survives up to now. Every year, they always carry out the traditional and religious ceremonies, and the most popular ones is Yadnya Kasada, an offering ceremony held at the edge of the crater on the top of mount Bromo.

The Story of Offering Kasada Ceremony

Hundreds years ago, during the reign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya, the situation was so uncertain due to the expanding new religion, Islam. At the time, the queen gave birth a baby girl and named her Roro Anteng, later the princess married Joko Seger, a Brahma Caste.

Since the influences of the new religion was so strong that it created chaos. The king and his followers were forced to back off to the east, some of them reached Bali and some of them reached a volcano.

The new married couple, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were also found among the fugitives who went to the volcano. Later they ruled the volcano area and named it Tengger. The word Tengger was derived from Roro Anteng and Joko Seger. Then he surnamed himself the riffle of Purba Wasesa Mangkurat Ing Tengger which means the righteous ruler of Tengger.

Years after year as the region flourished in prosperity, the King and Queen felt unhappy for they had no children to succeed their throne. On their desperation, they decided to climb the top of the volcano to pray and beseech before God, the Almighty. Deeply, impressed by the faith of their meditation affected the murmuring sound of the crater lifted up miraculously followed by a golden lightning that made the surrounding locked so scintillating. Their prayer were heard the God and would give them children, but they should sacrifice their last child as return. It was a promising future that could not be denied.

Not long after, the first baby boy was born and Roro Anteng named him Tumenggung Klewung. Child after child was born during the years and it reached 25 in number to whom she gave the named Kesuma for the last child.

Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were very happy ever since, love and affection were imparted among their children. Happiness lingered on years after years, but a dull and sad feeling still haunted them for their promise would be claimed one day. They realized that they could not run from the fact, a bitter disappointment of losing a child shot through their brains. The day came, the God reminded them of their promise which could not be avoided.

As they felt how cruel it was to sacrifice their beloved child, they decided to break their promise by not offering him to the God. They brought away their children in order to save their last child from the offering. They tried to find a place to hide, however, they could not find away.

All of by sudden, the dreadful eruption of the volcano followed to where they went and miraculously Kesuma, the last beloved child was swallowed into the crater. At the same time when Kesuma disappeared from their sight, turbulent brawl diminished and strange silence for a while but a sudden voice echoed: Hi, my beloved brothers and sisters. It was sacrificed to appear before God Hyang Widi Wasa to save all of you. And what I expect be in a peace and live prosperously. Don't forget to set mutual assistance among you and to worship God constantly to arrange an offering ceremony annually on 14th of Kasada (the twelfth month of Tenggerese calendar) by full moon. For the sake of your God. Hyang Widi Wasa.

Kesuma's Brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony annually just like what Kesuma advised and it was held from generation to generation up to now.


Bunaken National Park : Paradise Underwater

Thursday 6 May 2010

Bunaken Island is located on the north tip of Sulawesi, in front of Manado Bay, Indonesia.
With an area of 808 ha. and white sandy beaches, Bunaken island is facing the coastline of Manado.

Bunaken is one of the world's most beautiful sea environments. Unbelievable variety of marine life with density of the fish and coral population, the dazzling colors and the sheer coral and drop-off walls, caverns and gullies with spectacular formations begin with a flat reef reaching down to about 15 m then sloping downward to form underwater valleys or vertical drops plunging several hundred meters, large caves with hanging masses of coral and a tremendous collection of sea life like: Thousand of colorful coral fish, crabs, lobsters, transparent and red-striped coral shrimps, giant Napoleon wrasses, angelfishes, turtles, blue ribbon eels, snappers, stingrays, eagle rays, groupers, tunas, sharks, sea snakes, barracudas dolphins and pilot whales, nudibranchs (Spanish Dancer), sea whips, anemones with clown fish, tube sponge, Christmas tree worms, orange and red encrusting sponges and much more, will give you the most breathtaking experience for experienced and novice divers alike.
The Manado dive resort area and Bunaken marine park are among the highlights of Indonesia scuba diving and have earned plaudits throughout the world. The facts say it all - when you're scuba diving in Manado you can see over 70% of all fish species that exist in the Indo-Western Pacific. Marine biodiversity is the name of the game in Indonesia generally and in Bunaken diving specifically.
The park is adored by marine biologists, photographers and recreational divers alike since the richness of its waters ensure that no 2 dives are the same and that there is always plenty to see, study, photograph and marvel at.Included in the measures to protect this eco-treasure, is the creation of the marine park for which all divers must buy a pass which is used to fund conservation and village development programmes. It has long been recognised that the Manado area is an area worth preserving both for the good of the environment and the local economy. Various schemes are being undertaken to encourage responsible attitudes towards the reefs, the sea life and with regards to refuse disposal in the area. In Bunaken your few dollars really do make a difference!

READ MORE - Bunaken National Park : Paradise Underwater


Borobudur temple is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world. This colossal relic of Borobudur was built by Sailendra dynasty between 778 to 842 AD; 300 years before Cambodia’s Angkor Wat, and 400 years before work had begun on the great European cathedrals. Little is known about its early history except that a huge workforce - sculptors, artists, statue and carving experts - must have been labored to move and carved the 55,000 cubic meters of stone. This Borobudur historic site is a cultural legacy and becomes major sources of Indonesian culture, which is located about 40 km north of Jogjakarta City in central part of Java island.

Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant of Sailendra dynasty. Based on Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur was a place for praying that was completed to be built on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years from the time the construction was begun. The name of Borobudur, as some people say, means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while other says that Borobudur means monastery on the high place.

Borobudur is constructed as a ten-terraces building. The height before being renovated was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as supporting base. The first six terraces are in square form, two upper terraces are in circular form, and on top of them is the terrace where Buddha statue is located facing westward. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to reach the level of Buddha's must go through each of those life stages.

The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizes human being that are still bound by lust. The upper four stories are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape. On this terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space; while the other upper three terraces where Buddha effigies are confined in domes with wholes are calledArupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part that is calledArupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.

Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful the sculptors were. In order to understand the sequence of the stories on the relief panels, you have to walk clockwise from the entrance of the temple. The relief panels tell the legendary story of Ramayana. Besides, there are relief panels describing the condition of the society by that time; for example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of navigation in Bergotta (Semarang).

All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect Buddha's teachings. For the reason, this temple functions as educating medium for those who want to learn Buddhism. YogYES suggests that you walk through each narrow passage in Borobudur in order for you to know the philosophy of Buddhism. Atisha, a Buddhist from India in the tenth century once visited this temple that was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Grand Cathedrals in Europe.

Thanks to visiting Borobudur and having supply of Buddha teaching script from Serlingpa (King of Sriwijaya), Atisha was able to improve Buddha's teachings after his return to India and he built a religion institution, Vikramasila Buddhism. Later he became the leader of Vikramasila monastery and taught Tibetans of practicing Dharma. Six scripts from Serlingpa were then summarized as the core of the teaching called "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or well known asBodhipathapradipa.

A question about Borobudur that is still unanswered by far is how the condition around the temple was at the beginning of its foundation and why at the time of it's finding the temple was buried. Some hypotheses claim that Borobudur in its initial foundation was surrounded by swamps and it was buried because of Merapi explosion. It was based on Kalkutta inscription with the writing 'Amawa' that means sea of milk. The Sanskrit word was used to describe the occurrence of disaster. The sea of milk was then translated into Merapi lava. Some others say that Borobudur was buried by cold lava of Merapi Mountain.

With the existing greatness and mystery, it makes sense if many people put Borobudur in their agenda as a place worth visiting in their lives. Besides enjoying the temple, you may take a walk around the surrounding villages such as Karanganyar and Wanurejo. You can also get to the top of Kendil stone where you can enjoy Borobudur and the surrounding scenery. Please visit Borobudur temple right away...



Wednesday 5 May 2010

Indonesia's Komodo National Park Indonesia's is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, and it is also the third largest Asian country with a population of almost 200 million. Conservation International ranks it as the second most diverse country, after Brazil. Indonesia has over 500 mammal species 35 primate species, 270 amphibians and 477 endemic species of palms. Indonesia also has more wildlife reserves than any other Southeast Asian country. (Hitchcock, p. 303) Indonesia also has over 200 species of animals listed on the IUCN list of endangered or threatened species. The Komodo National Park in the Eastern province of Nusa Tenggara Timur is covered with monsoon forests and open savannahs. The park encompasses 340 square kilometers (130 square miles) and is generally hilly terrain. The park is situated in a transitional ecological zone between Australia and asia and is populated with wildlife from both continents (Hitchcock, p. 306). The dry season is from May-October and the islands are sparsely populated with people, mostly due to the scarcity of water on the islands. The three islands, Komodo, Padan and Rinca have an amazing level of biodiversity resulting in part from the rich seas surrounding the islands. There are macaque monkeys, cockatoos. green pit vipers, sea eagles, giant turtles and crocodiles, along with the famous Varanus komodoensis, the Komodo Dragon. Many of these animals live near the coastline, feeding on marine life.

There are approximately 2,000 people on the islands, mostly along the shorelines. They are mostly engaged in fishing and tourism industries. The economy of the islands is heavily dependent on the natural ecology, both directly and indirectly. The economy consists of cultivation and animal husbandry, deer hunting, fishing and collecting woodland products. Turtles, shrimp, squid and dolphins are all hunted by local fishermen. Some villagers also exploit the ecology indirectly through employment in the ecotourism industry. The Komodo Dragon has never really been hunted commercially because its skin is of little commercial value and it is also not used for food. Aside from the native turtles, deer, monkeys and other animals on the island, there are the Komodo Dragons, which are a member of the Monitor lizard family. The Dragons can grow to be quite large, typically about 2 meters long and weighing 40-70 kilograms. They are listed on the World Conservation Union (IUCN) list of endangered or threatened species. The largest verified Dragon was 3.13 meters long (almost 9 feet) and weighed 166 kilograms (about 320 pounds) (Scientific American,1999). Dragons are found at all elevations on the islands. Recent estimates of the dragon population are that there are 3,500 spread out over the islands, most of them on Komodo island (Scientific American, 1999).

The Komodo dragon prefers hot and dry places, and typically lives in dry open grassland, savanna, and tropical forest at low elevations. As an , it is most active in the day, although it exhibits some nocturnal activity. Komodo dragons are largely solitary, coming together only to breed and eat. They are capable of running rapidly in brief sprints up to 20 kilometres per hour (12.4 mph), diving up to 4.5 metres (15 ft), and climbing trees proficiently when young through use of their strong claws. To catch prey that is out of reach, the Komodo dragon may stand on its hind legs and use its tail as a support. As the Komodo dragon matures, its claws are used primarily as weapons, as its great size makes climbing impractical.

For shelter, the Komodo dragon digs holes that can measure from 1–3 metres (3–10 ft) wide with its powerful forelimbs and claws. Because of its large size and habit of sleeping in these burrows, it is able to conserve body heat throughout the night and minimize its basking period the morning after.The Komodo dragon typically hunts in the afternoon, but stays in the shade during the hottest part of the day. These special resting places, usually located on ridges with a cool sea breeze, are marked with droppings and are cleared of vegetation. They also serve as a strategic location from which to ambush deer.


